Welcome to my website.
I am an author and journalist. My main area of interest is politics, with a particular focus on conservative thought in France and Britain. You can hear and see me on France Culture and Arte.
Born in Paris in 1985, I grew up in Montpellier before joining the Ecole normale supérieure de la rue d’Ulm and then Sciences Po Paris. After working for a government minister and a think tank, I moved to London and became a journalist, before returning to Paris. I was editor-in-chief of the Debates/Ideas Pages at Le Point and then L’Express magazines. To find out more, please visit my LinkedIn page.
My first essay, Vous avez dit conservateur?, focused on British conservatism and the absence of a similar current in France; my second, Les hommes sont-ils obsolètes?, dealt with the status of men today; my third, De la France, investigated the political sources of what is sometimes called the ‘mal français’. In my latest book, La Gratitude, I explain why I am a conservative, and what conservatism is.
I have a strong interest for English-language non-fiction. I had the privilege to translate the English philosopher Roger Scruton, and then to supervise some translation works within a leading publishing company.
I’m married with three children. I practice body-building and yoga. I like fine arts, especially painting.
For media and speaking requests, or any other professional opportunity, please write to contact@laetitia-strauch.com.